Sunday, March 11, 2018

Skyar is headed our way

The more I read about this storm, the more I see the word "blizzard"  Blizzard means winds of a minimum of 35 mph along with blowing or falling snow causing visibility of less than 1/4 of a mile and all these conditions must exist for a minimum of 3 hours. This map below is from the national weather service and you can see the red circular area where they expect blizzard conditions

I found a new source for snow total maps - Mill City weather on facebook. They are out of Lowell Massachusetts.

I posted snow total maps from channel 7 and the weather channel in my last post but those amounts have gone up this evening so here are the new maps.

The next two maps are from channel 4 and channel 5. These maps appeared online late this afternoon but while watching their evening news a few minutes I Noticed the amounts a little lower. channel 4 had us in 6-12+ and channel 5 had 8-12+ The amounts will continue to go up and down for the next 24 hours and I will continue to copy and post them here. 

Not only the large snow amounts but also the winds from this storm have me concerned. I will keep my fingers crossed that my friends (and myself) do not lose power. (again)

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