Sunday, March 29, 2020

week of March 29th

Hello Everyone! Seems like I do a lot of blogging to pass the time during this stay at home time #Coronavirus
I have been posting on my other blog, Times with math teacher Mrs. Taylor, every day chronicling what I do to stay busy each day.
Now I have decided to update the weather blog every couple of days as as well. We need to know when we will have good weather to get outside. So instead of watching the news filled with negative news about corona just check this blog for your weather report. No bad corona news but I don't have great weather news either. A little wet and not so warm this week.

Try to get outside when you can on Tuesday and Wednesday and let's hope for some sunny days next weekend.
I'll be back mid week to update and hopefully share some better news about warm sunny days so we can enjoy the outdoors.
Everyone stay safe and remember to social distance yourself