Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hurricane Joaquin

We have a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean that may cause some problems here in the Northeast.
Currently Joaquin is located in the bahamas and is a category 1 hurricane.
The computer models show a variety of places that the storm can make landfall so we just have to stay tuned to all updates.

Massachusetts is included in the area that the hurricane may make landfall so be sure to listen to weather reports. or check back here tomorrow afternoon for an update.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back to School Heat

Yesterday was the first day of classes and yesterday was the hottest day of the summer. Crazy! Today the temperature will be 2-3 degrees lower but the humidity is supposed to be worse. Not the kind of weather you want when you are in a classroom with 30 other bodies. There are a few schools in Massachusetts that are dismissing students before noon time due to the heat. So we have had snow days and ice add heat days to the list.
I hope everyone has a wonderful school year.