Tuesday, February 28, 2023

March Snow

Tomorrow is the start of March and it comes with a little wintry weather. We will have rain on Thursday and Friday but as the temperatures drop Friday night that rai will change to snow and may accumulate quite a bit. This is what weather.com has posted this morning.

NECN/NBC put out a snow total map with its "first thoughts" but since this storm is still days away a lot can change.

This storm  bears watching, so I will be back with another post tomorrow night. 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Tuesday Snow Update

 Good Morning everyone, are you ready for some snow? 

A few meteorologists have expanded the area of 6 inches of snow so I have included new snow total maps in this post. I believe most school systems will close tomorrow due to the timing of this storm. It will not be a blockbuster amount of snow but the morning commute will be messy in most areas. Also, if your school has not had a snow day yet, I believe that makes the decision a little easier to close school. 

After this storm we have a little more snow coming our way later this week. 

I will begin to post about Fridays snow starting Wednesday.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

SNOW total maps

 Good Morning, are you ready for some snow? If you are a snow lover then I am sorry to say this blog post may be upsetting. The meteorologists have pulled back on this being a "Big" snow storm. There were supposed to be two low pressures that would come together but one of them is going to stay too far south to join. Now we will be getting less snow and some places near the coast will be getting a mix which will lower your snow totals. 

The snow will arrive sometime around midnight

As far as a snow day goes...If you asked me 2 days ago I would have said "YES, definitely" but now I'm not sure about everyone getting a day off. The one thing you have in your favor if you want a day off is the timing of this storm. The morning commute will be messy. The fact that southern Mass has yet to have a snow day makes it a little more likely that superintendents make the call for the school closings to keep everyone safe. 
Here are the snow total maps that I have found as of this morning.

If the snow total maps change, then I will post again tonight, otherwise I will not post again until Monday morning.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tuesday Snow

 You may have heard we have a chance to get plowable snow Monday night and all day Tuesday. Maybe a snow day which I am sure all the seniors out there have been waiting for since they do not have to make up snow days. The amount of snow coming is still unknown. I hear some meteorologists saying over 6 inches and then some others saying too much rain mixing will keep amounts low.  Here are some of the headlines I found.

Everyone is stating that it is still too early to predict amounts but I did find a couple. Here are all the latest graphics that I found.
This first one is from NECN and channel 10

I found this snow total prediction online from accueweather

The next graphic is from an online site weatherwx.com. They give the chance of snow percentage but no amounts. 

If there is any new BIG information today then I will post again tonight otherwise I will continue to follow this storm and post an update tomorrow morning.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Next Snow Chance

 Hello to all the snow lovers out there. I have good news. I am watching everything I can regarding a snow storm next week. Snow starting Monday night and lasting through Tuesday night. Still too early to say more but here are some quotes I found regarding this snow.

I will post another update this weekend, so stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

warm then cold makes a comeback

 enjoy these warm winter temperature while they last. I am keeping an eye (and ear) on some potential winter weather headed our way next week. These are the temperatures I found posted on weather.com for this week and next week.    

Notice the snow mixed with Rain on the 22nd and then snow on the 23rd. This bears watching although those temperatures seem to be a little too warm to support snow but these are the details posted on weather.com this morning.

I'm sure there will be plenty of changes, so I will post again in a few days. Stay tuned. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

NO Snow - Just COLD

 Bundle up everyone, at least for two days. Extremely cold temperatures and lots of wind will be arriving Friday afternoon and last all day Saturday. I don't plan to leave my house on Saturday due to the expected cold temperatures.

Here is a timeline with air temperatures.

Keep in mind that with the wind chill the "feels like" temperatures will be much lower.  

If you have to go outside please be sure to cover up. Exposed skin could get frost bite in under 30 minutes.