Saturday, November 24, 2018

wet and windy

Wet and Windy. That is the forecast for the next 48 hours. Unfortunately the temperatures will be too warm for any snow, we will just get rain.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

A cold Thanksgiving

so sorry I missed blogging for our first snowfall of the year. I was dealing with some health issues and just couldn't get time with a computer. I hope you enjoyed what was supposed to be a dusting to an inch and turned into 6 inches.
We have some cold temperatures moving in this week. There are a couple chances for rain as well and with the colder temperatures we could get some snow flakes mixed in.

Now that we have gotten our first snowfall I will try to blog every weekend to give you a preview of the week.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

First snow of the season

Are you ready for the white stuff?  Thursday night we may get a little bit of snow before it is washed away by the rain coming all day Friday

Monday, November 12, 2018

Enough Rain

Anyone else sick of all the rain we have been getting? I just would like some sunny fall days to go out and enjoy the outdoors. We have more rain coming this week too. Tuesday should be a washout and then again Thursday night into Friday. ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!
Mother nature needs to save some of this precipitation for winter so we can have some snow days.