Thursday, February 5, 2015

No end in sight

Some people have had it with the snow, but not me. Keep it coming! I suppose if I had to shovel I may not be so excited but I do love the snow blower. We have an inch or two of snow falling today and then we get more this weekend. Below you will find something that I copied from the WHDH channel 7 weather blog.

Long Duration Snow Ahead 
-Arctic front brings snow showers, 1-2" on Saturday midday and afternoon
-Front gets stuck just to our south, another wave of moisture adds several more inches Sunday
-Low pressure tries to develop along the front Monday, keeping the light to moderate snow going at least several more inches possible Monday
-Snow finally tapers off Tuesday morning
-Storm is all snow, and favors a fluff factor with temps in the lower teens inland to lower to mid 20s coast

Do I hear snow day? Again?

I am sure I will have a lot more to write about this weekend so check back later.

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