Sunday, February 26, 2023

SNOW total maps

 Good Morning, are you ready for some snow? If you are a snow lover then I am sorry to say this blog post may be upsetting. The meteorologists have pulled back on this being a "Big" snow storm. There were supposed to be two low pressures that would come together but one of them is going to stay too far south to join. Now we will be getting less snow and some places near the coast will be getting a mix which will lower your snow totals. 

The snow will arrive sometime around midnight

As far as a snow day goes...If you asked me 2 days ago I would have said "YES, definitely" but now I'm not sure about everyone getting a day off. The one thing you have in your favor if you want a day off is the timing of this storm. The morning commute will be messy. The fact that southern Mass has yet to have a snow day makes it a little more likely that superintendents make the call for the school closings to keep everyone safe. 
Here are the snow total maps that I have found as of this morning.

If the snow total maps change, then I will post again tonight, otherwise I will not post again until Monday morning.

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