Monday, December 14, 2020

Monday afternoon update

 Hello to all my fellow snow lovers out there. Are you ready for a snow day? Looks like we may get one on Thursday. The weather channel has named this storm "Gail".

Gail is due to arrive Wednesday night any time after 7:00. This snow should be light and fluffy so it will be easy to shovel, but there will be a lot of the white stuff.

Right now the track of the storm is just south of Massachusetts bringing most of the snow to southern Massachusetts. If the storm track where to go further south, then we would have less snow.

As of 3pm this afternoon there are a few stations putting out maps so here they are.

channel 5 (above) has us over 6 inches and possibly a foot
weather channel (below) has us at 8-12 inches

I will watch the 6:00 news reports and shortly after that I will be back to update the blog with additional weather maps. Check back some time after 7:00

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