Monday, January 27, 2025

No Big storms in sight

  Once again I am here to say we are not getting any big snow any time soon. There is a chance for an inch or two Wednesday and then another inch or two this weekend. I wish mother nature would just give us one big snow storm this winter. I will continue to monitor the weather and report here if I see any chance at plowable snow. ❄❄❄❄

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Sunday Night Snow

 Hello snow lovers, we have some plowable snow coming our way tomorrow. The snow is expected to start in the late afternoon and continue all night. If you have somewhere to go tomorrow just plan to be off the roads by dinner time.

This will not be a huge storm but there will be enough to shovel and plow. Fox 25 described the snow as get the snow blower ready but no need to prep the generator.

Here are a few of the snow total maps I found online. If there is a big change, I will post again.

 Everyone enjoy the shoveling. 
Sorry no school cancelations since it is a holiday.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Get the Shovels ready

 We may finally have some plowable snow in our state of Massachusetts. Late Sunday afternoon the snow should start and continue through Monday morning. Unfortunately there is a holiday Monday, so no snow day (School Cancelations) 

As more meteorologists post snow total maps, I will place them here. Probably later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Snow is going south

 Looks like another miss for us here in southern Mass. The storm that had the potential to give us plowable snow seems to be going south of us.

If anything changes I will post that here.
Sorry snow lovers! 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

snow storm?

 I have some good news for all the snow lovers out there, I finally found some measurable snow in the long range forecast. There is a 40% chance of more than 6 inches of snow next weekend. Sorry to all the teachers and students out there that want a snow day. Looks like this one is coming on Saturday January 11th. Maybe it will come a day late on Sunday and then you can get a snow day for Monday the 13th. I will keep on eye on this and be back with more details as the storm gets closer. Remember, it's not a sure thing. Below is the forecast posted on